Know exactly how much you spend on your Tech
Know when all the renewal dates are for your Tech subscriptions
Understand why you have the systems you have
Understand what all of your systems can do
Feel reassured that you are not spending more than you need!
Understand how you can utilize the systems you have better
Potentially save money by cancelling subscriptions you no longer need
Potentially save time by choosing the right systems for you and your business
You don't know how much you are spending on your tech
You are worried you might be paying for stuff you don't really need
You are paying for systems that you don't use know how to use properly
You are procrastinating because you're not sure what tech to use!
We’ll review your current tech, look at what you need and make a plan for how you can make the most of your tech. The call will last 45-60 mins.
Following the call, I’ll send you a report of
my recommendations plus a completed Tech Audit spreadsheet for you to keep.
Copyright © 2021-2025 Rachel Boleyn | Virtual Tech Angel